Tireless Efforts Help Ease Suffering During the Pandemic
Mindrolling continues to provide food and medical care to many in surrounding districts, including Tibetan and monastic populations.
Mindrolling Monastery Aids in Pandemic Relief Effort
Mindrolling wishes to extend sincere gratitude to many courageous individuals who are fighting the pandemic.
The Great Thugje Chenpo Drubchen 2020
This annual Mindrolling Terma practice commemorated the parinirvana anniversary of Kyabje Mindrolling Trichen.
Shinje Drekjom Tordok to Dispel all Obstacles in the Coming Year
This precious terma was discovered by the founder of Mindrolling, the great terton Chögyal Terdag Lingpa.
Classroom Expansion and Monks Hostel Building Inaugurated
Mindrolling inaugurates much needed expanded and improved facilities on the campus.
Housing and Classroom Renovations at Mindrolling
Updated housing for senior monks has been completed, while renovated housing and new classroom projects for younger monks are nearing completion.
Annual Examinations Take Place at Mindrolling
Students demonstrated their proficiency in many of the areas integral to the Mindrolling tradition.
Mindrol Lekshey Program Begins at Mindrolling
The first such program to be held in India has begun.
Mindrolling Monastery Celebrates Founders Day 2020
A day of festivities marked the 55th anniversary of the monastery’s founding.
Recieving the Oral Transmission of Lochen Kabum
Very Venerable Tulku Pema Rigzin is bestowing the transmission.
Kagyed Drubchen at Mindrolling, 2019
Performed annually, this drubchen marks the passing of Mindrolling’s great treasure master and founder, Terdag Lingpa. Story, photos, video.
Shinje Drekjom Drubchen 2019
Monks of Mindrolling Monastery perform year-end traditional ritual to dispel obstacles for the coming year. Photos and videos.
The Passing of Kyabje Kathok Getse Rinpoche
Prayers are offered at the passing away of the 7th Head of the Nyingma Lineage.