The Annual Seven-Day Drubchen of Thugje Chenpo at Mindrolling Monastery

The annual seven-day drubchen of Thugje Chenpo began at Mindrolling Monastery on the 10th day of the first lunar month in the year of the wood snake.  This drubchen is held annually during the month of Chötrul Duchen, the Buddha’s Month of Miracles, to mark the parinirvana of Kyabje the 11th Minling Trichen.  With sincere devotion to Kyabje Rinpoche, this drubchen is dedicated to the continued flourishing of the Mindrolling lineage and the increase of merit and wisdom for the benefit of all beings.  This profound mahasadhana is the main terma of Terdag Lingpa and is said to be of incalculable benefit to beings in the degenerate age. 

This year was particularly blessed by the presence of Minling Dungse Rinpoche, the 13th generation of the Mindrolling lineage.  Minling Dungse Rinpoche presided over the drubchen with excellent discipline and diligence.  It was a historic occasion as a holder of the next generation of Mindrolling lineage participating fully in the drubchen of one of the most pivotal termas of Terdag Lingpa for the first time at just ten years of age. The entire assembly led by the Khentrul Marpa Rinpoche and Minling Umze Lodroe Gyaltsen, many Rinpoches, Tulkus, khenpos, monks, nuns, and lay sangha felt overjoyed and blessed by the presence of Dungse Rinpoche.

The drubchen included the sacred garcham (ritual dances) and concluded with the Marme Monlam (butterlamp ceremony) and the local Tibetan community assembling to receive the siddhis and blessings of this practice. This great accumulation of merit was dedicated to peace and prosperity in the world, the flourishing of Dharma, and the liberation of all beings.

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